How to reach your target audience and make them buy your product/service?

What Is a Target Audience?
Your “target audience” is the total audience to which you want to sell or meet, so easy it is.
A particular category of demographics may be your target audience, such as men in their 20s,
parents, or grandparents; location, such as individuals residing in NYC; or habits and interests, such as dog owners or sports lovers. Every target audience has particular preferences and can
participate in your campaigns differently. You want to be as granular as targeting males in their
20’s who have dogs and earn over $30,000 a year for some ad campaigns.
Why Is Having a Target Audience Important?
Then why do you need to be concerned about these definitions?
Only remember this. You have put the killer product or service in the long hours and finally finished making it. You think your job is done, but no, it’s just starting. Now, you need to bring the work you spent so much time on to individuals. You need to convince them why it is so special to your product, magazine, or service and why they should prefer you over your rivals. Your ultimate client, you probably already have an idea of who you want to meet. It is important to create a targetable, reachable audience in the same way that you agree on or operate with realistic business goals. You have to choose who is the main customer or customer for your product, otherwise you would not be able to calculate success, let alone get it.
Can I Target More Than One Audience?
Often, the amount of audiences you’re addressing needs to be weighed. It’s not always as straightforward as an approach to one-size-fits-all. Your target audience may be many groups of individuals, dozens or even hundreds, who have distinct ambitions, needs, features and points of view.
People like to argue, “Every organization is a good business.” But, is it? In messaging campaigns, are you losing money because you’re pursuing this idea?
When it comes to marketing, generalizing the campaign or attempting to cater to a much wider audience, often known as the popular masses, would definitely turn out to be a major mistake. That is because marketing appears to be a process that is very precise, innovative and concentrated. You will be able to hone in and convey a deeper, more direct message once you know who your target audience really is, which will eventually lead to more conversions and an impressive ROI for your business.